Well, as a top-performing game with an overall rating of 4.40 from 85 votes cast, I can safely confirm that It's good and worth trying.

We have more reviews, walk-throughs and gameplay videos on our Android Freeware YouTube channel 'Mr Bean: Flying Teddy' FREE app on iOS & Android Hotline Bean | Funny Clips | Mr Bean Cartoon World MR BEAN SPECIAL DELIVERY - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 15=6 iOS / Android - Final Episode Is it good? Video tutorial explaining how this game works.

It is always a better idea to preview how this casual game works in real environment before downloading the Mr Bean.apk. Of course, you will both have fun, and get better at math at the same time.Following are some short videos where you can view how to use Mr Bean for special purposes. Click on the rotating numbers to input the answer you think is correct, and if you're right, the rocket is going to take off, otherwise, it will crash on take-off. After you separate all the items, you will have the computer making a math equation you need to solve.

Bean Rocket Recycler, which is an educational game and a really fun one at that, one that we highly recommend to everyone, since we have had such a great time with it, with that being the reason why we want you to play it as well, so you don't miss out on the greatness! Let's get on to explaining what you do in it, shall we? You will geet rocket parts, which you need to split in two, with the tens going on the left, and the ones on the right.

Bean Games category, which features rockets and teaches you about recycling? Well, we have it for you, as right now everyone is invited to check out the game called Mr.